Welcome to your body in motion.
A guided journey through the interplay of movement and electronic music.

The Approach
Focused attention on your anatomy. Methodological movements that progress with the music. We use precision and presence to effortlessly build strength and endurance from the inside out.

The Experience
A reimagined dancefloor experience that opens, grounds and challenges you. A magnetic union between movement and music where movers become a powerful part of the show.

The Result
Energising mind-body alliance. Deeper connection to ourselves, other human beings, and a creative energy that is bigger than all of us. But most importantly — lasting endorphins from a really good time.

Intelligent Movement
Immersive Sound
Grounding Stimulation
Deep Connection
Dancefloor Energy
"Obsessed with Ranah's energy and the way she guides."
"My body is so connected it feels like one muscle."
"Challenging. Intelligent. Profound."
"A magical alignment between movement and music."
"Movement feels incredible here."
"The music is fucking great."
"An indescribable high you have to experience to understand."
"One of the most energising and physically engaging experiences I've ever had."

Meet Movement IQ Founder,
Ranah Farkhondeh
Ranah is a former music industry professional turned international movement expert. Read more about her story here (coming soon).
“I’ve always felt like a rebel both in the club scene and the self-development space. Movement IQ is the magic pill that brought together my two seemingly split worlds.”

the latest MiQ lineup